Offers Comprehensive Support to Mothers in Giving Best Nutrition for Their Babies
Exclusive breastfeeding for six months is the national guideline in Sri Lanka and is critical for the good health and nutrition of babies. Breast milk provides the best nutrition, a complete balance of calories, vitamins and minerals that cannot be replaced by any milk supplement.
Breastfeeding prevents diarrhoea and pneumonia which are major causes of infant deaths. Studies show that breastfeeding contains antibodies that reduce the baby’s risk of developing allergies and increases the immunity. The benefits can impact all through to adult life and include cognitive development of children and reduction of developing behavioural problems.
Dr Siromi Panditharathne, Consultant Paediatrician at Durdans Hospital says “Breast milk is the greatest gift a mother can give her baby. It contains all the necessary nutrients in the proper proportions and protects against infections and allergies. Therefore we should all encourage every mother to breast feed their babies”
Breastfeeding has benefits for mothers as well, apart from helping to form a loving bond with the child, it relaxes mothers and helps reduce risk of ovarian and breast cancers. Mothers should be given the right knowledge about breast feeding and practical support to initiate and maintain lactation. Dr. Ravinie Wijeweera Consultant Gynaecologist at Durdans Hospital says, “Milk production and flow can be stimulated by the sight of the baby, thinking of the baby, a breast massage or back massage”.
The Durdans Hospital Breastfeeding Centre is devoted to educating mothers about the importance of breastfeeding and helping them to initiate breastfeeding and maintain lactation. The centre also counsels mothers with regard to breastfeeding issues such as poor suckling, baby’s refusal to breastfeed, painful nipples, cracked nipple, breast swelling and general worry and anxiety that mothers have about breastfeeding. For support contact the Durdans Breast Feeding Centre on 011 2 140 2539