ENT disorders that are not timely or accurately diagnosed can cause complications that may lead to permanent organ damage. Minimally invasive surgery is available for a wide range of ENT disorders and will serve as a superior intervention for certain disorders. At Durdans Hospital the dedicated ENT Unit is devoted to the sound diagnosis and care for ENT patients.
ENT encompasses a vast scope of disorders. However there are certain prevailing conditions that are deemed more common such as nasal polyps, neck and head cancers,non cancerous neck lumps, voice disorders and upper respiratory infections.
A nasal polyp is usually a non-cancerous growth hanging on the upper lining of the nostrils. Due to this condition, individuals may suffer from breathing problems, headache and sinusitis. Dr. Rizny Sakkaff , Consultant ENT and Head and Neck Surgeon at Durdans Hospital says, “usually Nasal polyps cannot be treated by external medication only. Minimally invasive surgery maybe a better intervention instead”.
Dr. Sakkaff also says, “People should seriously consider lumps or swelling in the head and neck as they can be a cancerous growth. Individuals having conditions that affect their voice, breathing and swallowing and throat discomfort should seek medical advice promptly as they can be treated with camera-based endoscopic approach. Those with head and neck tumours that include the skull base are treated through minimally invasive endoscopic surgery where no external cut has to be performed. The symptoms are relieved with minimal recovery time.”
Neck and head cancer surgeries are also tackled in ENT surgeries. A modern technique known as Coblation Surgery in throat surgery is used to remove both benign and malignant lumps. In the thyroid gland, if the gland is large and producing symptoms on the breathing tube or swallowing tube or is producing excessive thyroid hormones, etc. surgery maybe recommended following consultation with an ENT specialist. The latest practice in Sri Lanka is to remove the thyroid gland without any external cut. The Parotid surgery is performed for cancerous and non-cancerous tumours in the salivary gland. This is a highly sensitive surgery as the facial nerve passes through the salivary gland and expert hands are necessary to prevent facial deformity.
Upper respiratory tract Infections are common among children and includes conditions where tonsils and adenoids become enlarged. Upper respiratory tract infections can cause obstructive sleep apnea and snoring leading to a lack of concentration, development and affected school performance. Glued ears in children are symptomatic of dulled or ‘selective’ hearing and may present with problems in delayed speech and language and social interaction. Deeper ear issues can cause balance disorders and dizziness. The first step toward treatment is assessment usually through a Pure Tone Audiometry Test and Tympanometry Test with conservative management and the second step is intervention.
The Durdans Hospital ENT Unit comprises of a panel of specialist consultants experienced in minimally invasive ENT procedures, state of the art facility and latest ENT equipment and is committed to medical excellence and compassionate care.
For ENT medical and surgical consultations contact 011 2 140 000 or Durdans 1344 helpline