My son, Aneesh Kamalchandra’s dental x ray was not good. It showed that all 4 of his wisdom teeth were were in grown. And that too over a period of time as it was not detected was very bad and two were touching the nerves. This was revealed upon consulting our usual dentist, And, she was very concerned as to the best method /way for extraction of the 4 wisdom teeth. Being a close family friend, she accompanied me and my son to consult Prof Nadeena.
(Prof Nadeena was recommended to me by a very close friend who himself had undergone the extraction of all 4wisdom teeth. )
I must say, the minute we walked into Prof Nadeena’s cubicle, the welcome we received was inexplicable. We were greeted with a very warm smile and a friendly face.
I felt at ease immediately and so relaxed and calmed. As Prof Nadeena spoke, he was full of confidence, the positive vibes wer so real , ‘ cool’ as most would say. The confidence that emanated from him was so assuring. And I instantly knew my son would be in good hands. But, I didn’t utter a word to my son or my dentist friend. And , added to that when he mentioned his team which included Dr Neirosha Samarasekera ( who is a relative ) I knew without a doubt that my son would be in good hands.
The moment we stepped out of his room , all three of us looked at each other with a unanimous agreement on our feelings about ‘the doctor’ .
So, we fixed the date and went in for the operation.
Everything was so professional at the hospital. The staff was very courteous, kind and attentive. The day rooms were kept very clean and hygienic.
There was a slight delay free my son was taken in to the operating theatre.
Then, Prof Nadeena comes in person and talks to me and explained the delay and reassured alt hat he will let me know when my son is taken for the operation. And true to his word, he send a message to me saying ‘starting’. I was so relieved. A ‘personal touch ‘ which made a world of a difference to an anxious mum. He said the operation would take 2 hours , but when 2 hours passed and still no sign on my son being wheeled out, I got worried, but, knew he was in good hands.
And as soon as the operation finished, Prof Nadeena called me inside again, sat me down and explained everything and reassured that my son was okay. Now this kind of personal touch was something I experienced after a very very long time.
Post surgery, the nursing staff was extremely good too.
Prof Nadeena and Dr Neirosha came personally to check up on my son before we discharged.
Once we were home, Prof Nadeena was constantly in touch me checking up on my son.
My son never experience the excruciating post surgery pain that was expected and as told my many who underwent the wisdom teeth operation. It was indeed a miracle that he had minor pain.
Prof Nadeena was also in touch with my son too separately asking about his pain and discomfort. It was a daily communication he had both with me and patient. This ‘special care’ we experiences from Prof Nadeena was so comforting. Exceptional I would say. True Professionalism and care in the real sense of the profession
Post surgery consultations were done free of charge and he took utmost care and time.
Prof Nadeena was contactable anytime for advise over the phone.
I would recommend Prof Nadeena Jayasuriya without any hesitation anytime.
Thank you