Awards and Recognition
Trust and esteem can only be earned with the consistent striving for excellence. Since its inception, Durdans Hospital has been at the center of quality healthcare by providing the foremost medical expertise and cutting edge medical facilities to serve our patients. Our commitment to providing patients with world class healthcare is recognized by global, regional, and national awards and accreditations.

The Joint Commission is a United States-based nonprofit tax-exempt 501 organization that accredits more than 21,000 US health care organisations and programs. JCI accreditation is considered the gold standard in global healthcare.
Durdans Hospital is the first ever hospital in Sri Lanka to receive JCI accreditation and has since then been re-accredited
Durdans Hospital is the first ever hospital in Sri Lanka to receive JCI accreditation and has since then been re-accredited

ISO 15189: 2012
ISO 15189:2012 is The International Standard for Clinical Laboratories. Durdans Laboratory Services achieved globally recognized ISO 15189 Standard in 2012. The accreditation was granted by the Sri Lanka Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment (SLAB), which is the National Accreditation Authority for Sri Lanka established under Act. No. 32 of 2005. The Board functions as an autonomous body under the purview of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research.

Brand Finance PLC
Brand rating by Brand Finance plc, the world’s leading independent brand valuation and ratings firm. The brand rating is based on detailed analysis of data obtained from public and other sources, which is reviewed by an expert panel of brand analysis and consultation. Durdans Hospital was awarded AA- rating in 2010.

Chartered Accountants Annual Reports Awards
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) is the national professional accounting body and the sole authority in promulgating accounting and auditing standards in Sri Lanka. The Annual Reports Awards, organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka is the benchmark for transparency, corporate governance and excellence in financial reporting. Durdans Hospitals won recognition at the Chartered Accountants Annual Reports Awards for the health care sector for four consecutive years from 2007.
2007 – Gold Award
2008 – Silver Awards
2009 – Gold Awards
2010 – Silver Awards

The Compliance + standard is a certificate of accreditation issued for excellence in employer practice by the Employers Federation of Ceylon. The Employers Federation of Ceylon is the employer component of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and is a member of the International Organization of Employers (IOE).